when I post websites about the JWs, who come into their neighborhoods and knock on their doors, wanting to gain ENTRANCE to start "home bible studies" who merely RELOCATE known and admitted molesters to a new area to "knock on more doors"........doesn't this ALARM anyone?
Sunspot, if this was the tone of your posts, no wonder they were deleted, because you're well off the mark.
Tell me, were you a JW or not? If you were, did you go door to door or not? If you did, were you just trying to find new kids to sexually molest? Or were you really convinced that you had "the truth" and you were saving people's lives? Personally, I was in the last category, and I think 99% of the dubs are.
When people in this board generalize and call JW hypocrites, with no distinctions, I wonder if that doesn't tell more about themselves than about the dubs they are critizising.